Brasilia is the capital of Brazil (did you really think it was Rio or Buenos Aires?), and is located right in the middle of the Country.
The city, curiously, was built in only five years (well, good part of it) and its structure has the shape of an airplane. I could cite a lot more curiosities here but, since this post is about me you can read more about Brasilia at Wikipedia.
After almost one year and a half working for Surgeworks remotely from home in a small city called Campo Grande, I finally came to Brasilia to work and live in. Naturally, I miss a lot of my old pace of life: my friends, family, the feeling of knowing where you are going even without a GPS. But I look at these changes as progress.
All this time working remotely for Surgeworks and I hadn’t met some of my team mates in person yet, and when I first saw them it was like if we already knew each other from long time. And they received me really well, and introduced me to their families and friends, now I officially have 6 friends in the whole city (just kidding).
It took me some time to learn how to walk through the city. Different from what I was habituated, most of the streets here don’t have names. We have to locate the places for its “coordinates”, I mean, everything is divided into regions and each square has a number. Well, it’s hard to explain the logic in it, but it’s almost like playing battleship.
Between all the motivations that brought me here, the main aspect that I considered was: Working with the Brazilian crew, because all the Brazilian designers live here.
The team is very talented and I am always learning something new or something amazing. The meetings are faster and more objective. We often go to conferences related to our interests and then try to apply what we’ve learned. The brainstorm meetings are more efficient and we decide things faster than via Skype.
So, I don’t have what to complain about… till now.
Brasilia is a beautiful city. It will take some time for me to see everything good it has.
If you’re interested, you can take a look at some of the photos I took here. Just click the image below.
Hope you like it. Cheers!