If you found this post, you need some feature that used to be available in QuickTime Player 7 PRO and you can’t find it anymore on your hard disk after a clean install of Snow Leopard. That’s because Apple decided QuicktTime Player X didn’t need all the extra features… Too bad that means you can’t convert your Keynote movies to MP4 in order to have them playback on your iPad.
According to Apple, QuickTime 7 is an optional install on your Snow Leopard DVD. Ok, where did I put that DVD?
The good news is you can download a file that will require QuickTime 7 to play (QTVR, MIDI, QTZ) in order to trigger OSX to download and install QuickTime 7. Here’s how…
The standard path is to download The 20th Century Voyage 2.0.2 for Mac. However, if you’re a developer like me, that file will open with Quartz Composer.
A simpler solution is to download any MIDI file (for example SOS by Abba) and then control-click and select Open With > QuickTime.
You will be prompted to install QuickTime 7, then software update will download and install it for you. If you are a registered QuickTime Pro user, you need to select “Registration…” from QuickTime Player 7 menu and enter your data to enable the PRO features.