Based on my last post’s Caching System Architecture for Mobile Apps with a WordPress REST back-end, let’s review in more details what is required to build a cache controller in Swift. The flow: At first run, the app calls all API endpoints requred to download data from the website: Use “Get All” endpoints for each… →
Mauro Dalu
Project Manager at Surgeworks
Mauro is a Project Manager at Surgeworks, and Lead Designer and WordPress Developer at Divine Office Catholic Ministry. In 2017 Mauro has managed, designed and developed the second version of the Dyno Nobel's Explosive Engineers' Guide App for iOS and Android.

Recent Posts by Mauro
WordPress as Mobile App Back-end: Caching System Architecture
In a recent project we had to implement caching to allow an iOS mobile app to work offline, while keeping all contents up-to-date with the WordPress back-end through its REST JSON API. Since the dataset was limited and updated once or twice a week, we decided to create a caching workflow that would allow the… →
Transition Databases from MAMP to MAMP PRO 4 (Mac)
If you’ve recently taken advantage of the Black Friday 50% offer for MAMP PRO, and contextually upgraded to the latest version, chances are that the automatic move of the databases didn’t really happen. So you are probably scratching your head to move your hosts from MAMP to the MAMP PRO app. MAMP PRO documentation offers… →
Supported Time Zones PHP, Swift, Java (Android)
We recently came across the challenge of specifying daylight saving affected time zones on a PHP based web back-end to be consumed by a mobile app on iOS and Android. We initially thought of dealing with this using the time difference in hour from either UTC or GMT, however that would not keep in account… →
A Git Setup for WordPress
As I mentioned in my previous posts about how to setup git deployment on a staging and a live server for a WordPress site, setting up a repository for your WordPress site is not a complex task. Let’s review the steps to do it. First of all, you need to realize that you don’t want… →
Search and Replace Localhost Domain in WordPress Database after Migration
Are you setting up a local development environment for an existing WordPress website, and imported a large database dump locally? You’ll need to replace your domain name with localhost in all its occurrences. Are you working locally on the design and development of a WordPress site and are now ready to migrate it to a… →
How to setup WordPress deployment from GitHub Repository to a Web Server
Setting up a repository for your WordPress site is easy. First of all, you need to realize that you don’t want to version anything but your custom code. WordPress and the plug-ins you are using are already being versioned by their respective authors, and with automatic updates, you don’t want to end up with your… →
Why you Should Have a Staging Server for your WordPress Site
If you work with WordPress on a small site, you probably started with a fully FTP (or SFTP) based workflow, editing your site directly on the server with a combination of an FTP client such as CyberDuck or Transmit and a cool code editor like Sublime Text, or perhaps you’re already using an integrated development… →
How to show PHP Error and review Error Logs from MAMP on your Mac (or PC)
If you are using MAMP for local development, you may be a bit frustrated as it won’t report errors on the webpage by default. In order to review errors, you need to open a file named php_error.log The file, on Mac, is located in Applications > MAMP > logs > php_error.log When you double click on… →
How to import a large MySQL database dump into MAMP, Mac OS X
If you are using MAMP for your local WordPress or PHP development on a Mac, you likely need to import huge MySQL database dump files (more then 32Mb) in your local environment. You could increase the size of maximum uploads in your php.ini file, however if the dump is really big (over 100Mb), the operation… →
Windows Phone, RIM, Windows 8 are still not worth to support
According to a report out yesterday from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, with 0.7% and 4.1% of total sales in the US, RIM and Windows platforms may still not be worth the effort to support for your next project. Same goes for the Windows 8 app store. The latest OS from Microsoft still has less then 4% of… →
Mac OS X 10.7.3 with Xcode 4.3: This bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the OS.
We have a few Mac applications on which we need to enable the Lion sandbox and resubmit to the Mac App Store (Mac, not iOS). I already applied the combo update 10.7.3 and after that I started getting this error: “This bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of… →
Surgeworks launches Catholicpedia, the Original Catholic Encyclopedia for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch (press release)
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, (December 8, 2011)—The Divine Office Catholic Ministry in partnership with Surgeworks, a Salt Lake City-based application developer and graphical interaction design firm, has announced a new app for the Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch based on The Original Catholic Encyclopedia. Introducing Catholicpedia The Catholicpedia App makes The Catholic Encyclopedia available on iPhone,… →
HP TouchPad sold out, but WebOS has a not-so-bright future ahead.
In my opinion, WebOS was extremely promising, but a couple years late. If HP acquired palm 12 months earlier they would have had better chances. I had a nice brief discussion about the HP TouchPad and WebOs the day the news came out. It was just very clear to me that WebOS and the TouchPad… →
iOS 5 AirPlay Mirroring, Apple living room revolution coming this fall.
AirPlay Mirroring displays anything that appears on your iPad 2 onto your TV screen, wirelessly via the latest Apple TV box (the small black one). It works with the core iPad 2 interface as well as any apps, games, videos, and so on. It even adjusts for portrait or landscape mode, completely mirroring everything you… →