Occipital has managed to earn more than $1 million from the success of its $1.99 iPhone application RedLaser. The software uses the iPhone’s camera to scan the barcode of an item, and then searches online to find better deals for the product.
RedLaser became one of the best-selling applications on the iPhone by the end of September. According to MobileCrunch, the software has earned over $1 million in revenue from more than 750,000 downloads. It has been consistently in the top 5 paid applications of the App Store for the last three months.
“After releasing an update to the app which made it ‘actually work,’ according to Co-Founder Jeff Powers, they saw a dramatic increase in sales. This was despite the fact that they did nothing different upon the re-launch and got almost zero press pickup when they updated the app. The hypothesis is that this came entirely from word-of-mouth sales, which is probably a good bet. Who wouldn’t want to show off to their friends the cool new barcode-scanning price-checking app on their phone?”