iPhone Native applications, the development process

iphone-app-storeThe development process for custom iPhone Native Apps at Surgeworks from simple tools to coupled apps and websites based projects.

Custom iPhone Native apps development at Surgeworks uses agile methodologies. This means that our proposals are not based on fixed price bids, but on a time and materials basis. The development process is streamlined in a timeline and divided in “sprints” that last a few weeks each.

Agile allows for complete flexibility when we start the development phase. The customer will be able to test the iPhone App on his own device every time a sprint is completed – which means no matter the complexity of the project, you’ll get a working prototype in a matter of weeks. Still, depending on the complexity of the project and on customer needs, we may create a time-line that allows Surgeworks to roll-out version 1.0 of the application while continuing to work to get the complete feature set in version 2.0.

We have successfully developed iPhone Apps coupled with Rails web applications and custom web services using scrum agile techniques under the supervision of the “scrum master” Brad Midgley. Brad is a software engineer with 15 years of experience in systems and web programming.

Not every custom iPhone software is as demanding as that. The Seachem Dose Calculator iPhone App, for example, has been developed directly by Ivan Kalaika in a matter of a week of hard work. For such smaller apps scrum techniques such as daily meetings are a bit of an overkill.

Smaller Native Apps usually require just a couple of iterations. With a limited, clear set of requirements and some freedom of action, Surgeworks is able to create such applications over a 2 weeks period. Working closely with the customer, he always has full control over development: the team will provide screenshots and demos of the app as soon as the feature set is completed. And of corse, we don’t compromise on details – such as a tailored look derived directly from the existing corporate identity and website design.