Apple says that the new iPhone 3G S is twice as fast as iPhone 3G thanks to built-in support for 7.2 Mbps HSDPA, letting you render web pages quicker and launch applications faster. The handset takes advantage of the OpenGL ES 2.0 standard for high-quality 3D graphics, making mobile gaming and other graphic intense applications more… →
iPhone users are more likely to use Internet and buy Apps then other smartphone users
A Forrester Research study found that iPhone users are “more than twice as likely to access the Internet from their phone as working BlackBerry, Palm, or Windows Mobile device owners.” The research suggests iPhone users are a peculiar class of smartphone customers.
iPhone OS 3.0 Golden Master seed available to developers today
Today, Apple announced at the WWDC ’09 that the new iPhone OS 3.0 Golden Master with over 100 new features will be made available for download today for all developers. If you didn’t yet, now it is a good time to upgrade your device and SDK and start working with the new SDK and OS…. →
How to build an iPhone User Interface prototype that follows Apple Guidelines
What are the best tools to create mock-ups of an iPhone app application storyboard, which describes the app flow and the desired user interaction? We often recommend and assist our customers to build “wireframes” of an App idea that describes all the screens and the expected user interaction, together with the main features of the… →
What's the budget required to develop an iPhone App?
What is the ROI (Return of Investment) one can expect from an iPhone App? The easiest way to make market research on an iPhone app idea is…
How to improve iTunes App Store search rankings for iPhone Apps
How do you determine, and place custom developed iPhone Native app in a specific category within the iTunes App Store? How is the placement determined within the category once the app is launched. What makes them come up first when people searches the App Store?
1 billion App Store applications are running on over 20 millions iPhone and over 15 millions iPods Touch
Apple, which sold its 1 billionth App Store application on April 23rd, says a third of the 35,000 applications on the digital download store are games, meaning it sold over 300 million multi-touch games in approximately 9 months. Sales of Apple’s iPod touch have more than doubled over the past 12 months to rates nearly in… →
iPhone Native applications, the submission to Apple
Short story of an iPhone App submission for review to Apple, now published on the iTunes App Store They say there are just a few things that are certain in life: death, taxes… and perfectionism-driven-development. There are few professions out there that are so obsessed with perfection. WordPress’ motto “Code is Poetry” probably says that… →