The main issue here is that the tint color of the UINavigationBar instance inside UISplitViewController instance gets back to default grey color every time user changes devices interface orientation.
Ivan Kalaica
Senior iOS Developer

The main issue here is that the tint color of the UINavigationBar instance inside UISplitViewController instance gets back to default grey color every time user changes devices interface orientation.
As you all know an NSDictionary object stores a mutable set of entries. An NSDictionary is immutable. If you need a dictionary which you can change, then you should use NSMutableDictionary. NSMutableDictionary is a subclass of NSDictionary, so that you can do with an NSMutableDictionary everything which you can do with a simple NSDictionary plus, you can modify it.
This is abstract about key iPad features and characteristics. Here you can learn few differences between iPhone and iPad phenomenon. :) Split view – you can use this iPad-only element to display more than one view onscreen at a time, such as to present data in a master-detail or source list–style arrangement. The split view is… →
So, what’s Core Data anyway? :) Core Data helps you to save model objects (in the sense of the model-view-controller design pattern) to a file and get them back again. This is similar to archiving technology but Core Data offers much more than that. Amongst other things it…
Last month I had an opportunity to work on a great iPhone project with winning idea. We’ve built two applications for the same project – full and lite application. After a while we finished testing and both of the applications were 99% ready for submission on the App Store.
If you want to ensure best user experience for your app users you just must integrate this two API in your app. First of two is Get Satisfaction iPhone API. Satisfaction Remote Component enables iPhone developers to embed support for Get Satisfaction within their apps. This works somewhat like the “Feedback” widget on many websites… →
If you have a Web View in your view you can call a custom action when the user taps on a link in that UIWebView instance. Here’s how…