When Apple reviews your app, they will eventually give you some Submission Feedback, people around the web is collecting them as an unpublished set of rules and clarifications from Apple’s App Review team that can cause your iPhone app to be rejected.
Two great API’s for your iPhone app!
If you want to ensure best user experience for your app users you just must integrate this two API in your app. First of two is Get Satisfaction iPhone API. Satisfaction Remote Component enables iPhone developers to embed support for Get Satisfaction within their apps. This works somewhat like the “Feedback” widget on many websites… →
The Secret of Monkey Island is: iPhone is faster than Wii
Yes, you’ve read it well: for less then 10 USD, you get a revamped, redesigned, and reorchestrated Guybrush on your iPhone or iPod Touch. And you’re lucky to play it on the iPhone, because fans complained on the Telltale Games forums about the Wii versions’ framerate. Telltale Games, which also worked on Sam and Max,… →