Nathan Becker from the Dow Jones Newswires reports that for the three-month period ended in October, Blackberry-maker RIM again had the biggest market share at 35.8%, according to comScore Inc. But that was down 3.5 percentage points from the prior three-month period. Meanwhile, Apple’s iPhone operating system remained at No. 2, gaining 0.8 point to… →
How to video: Jailbreak & Unlock your iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G running iOS 4 and 4.0.1 in 10 minutes or less
A hacker who uses the handle “comex,” a member of the iPhone Dev Team, released the new jailbreak system through a website, Users can visit the site from their iPhone browser to execute the jailbreaking process: no connection to a Mac or a PC is required, everything happens in a few minutes and he… →
Jailbreak & Unlock your iPhone: now legal in the US
On July 26 the US government announced new rules that make it officially legal for iPhone owners to “jailbreak” their device and run unauthorized third-party applications. Unlocking a smartphone for use on a different carrier then you got it with has been legal in the US (thanks to a DCMA exception) as well as in… →
iPhone 4 reception issue: myth or fact? Design flaw or software issue?
If you’re left handed like me, forget being able to use an iPhone 4 without a case. Here are the myths and facts about the iPhone 4 reception issues. I’ve been thinking of how Apple could resolve the issue with a software update: they could determine how you’re holding the phone, perhaps thanks to the… →
iPhone iOS 4: watch out designers! Apps icons display changes: no more transparency.
I was so busy checking out the new iOS 4 features like folders and wallpapers, it took me a while to realize that the icons that used to be transparent now draw a black rounded-corners square behind the icon. This is most certainly because the new wallpapers implementation draws shadows and glows around the icons… →