We recently came across the challenge of specifying daylight saving affected time zones on a PHP based web back-end to be consumed by a mobile app on iOS and Android. We initially thought of dealing with this using the time difference in hour from either UTC or GMT, however that would not keep in account… →
JQTouch mobile app integration with SmartFoxServer
In the previous articles on http://surgeworksmobile.com/cross-platform/jqtouch-mobile-app-for-user-registration-tutorial, I focused on the JQTouch side of things. I’d like to mention the ingredients to make the app work with SmartFoxServer since that can be tricky. I built both grails and jython web services to serve as the back end interface for this application. Unfortunately, both these implementations would… →
Rhodes 1.4: Your java bin folder does not appear to be on your path.
You might encounter the following error message when working with 1-4-unstable branch of Rhodes: Your java bin folder does not appear to be on your path. This is required to use rhodes. Here is the fix…