We recently came across the challenge of specifying daylight saving affected time zones on a PHP based web back-end to be consumed by a mobile app on iOS and Android. We initially thought of dealing with this using the time difference in hour from either UTC or GMT, however that would not keep in account… →
Why you Should Have a Staging Server for your WordPress Site
If you work with WordPress on a small site, you probably started with a fully FTP (or SFTP) based workflow, editing your site directly on the server with a combination of an FTP client such as CyberDuck or Transmit and a cool code editor like Sublime Text, or perhaps you’re already using an integrated development… →
How to show PHP Error and review Error Logs from MAMP on your Mac (or PC)
If you are using MAMP for local development, you may be a bit frustrated as it won’t report errors on the webpage by default. In order to review errors, you need to open a file named php_error.log The file, on Mac, is located in Applications > MAMP > logs > php_error.log When you double click on… →
PHP Mailer with Email Attachments that supports Mac OS X's Mail
We needed a server-side script recently to send emails with attachments from an iPhone App. We’ve chosen PHP because we wanted to keep it as simple as possible (we wanted no dependencies). The emails sent (and attachments) looked good in a few email systems, until we checked with Mac Mail. Check the image at the… →