Nokia, Apple iPhone and RIM are the real players in the smartphones market

Apple’s iPhone held onto a 13.7% share of global smartphone unit sales in Q2 2009, outpacing Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, which now claims just 9% of the market, according to Canalys. Canalys specialises in delivering high quality market data, analysis and advice to the world’s leading technology vendors. The results of their research can be summarized…

Microsoft: Windows Mobile 6.5 vs. iPhone

Windows Mobile 6.5 will include Internet Explorer to reportedly provide a “better web experience” than the iPhone. How’s that? Simple: they are including Flash support. Microsoft compromised on Flash adoption in Windows Mobile 6.5 recognizing Adobe’s dominant position in the Web’s multimedia market, accepting not to push for adoption of its own Silverlight technology that…

New graphing options for metric_fu

Metric-fu is a handy set of rake tasks for running various metrics on your project’s ruby code and tracking the overall health of your code base. It can give you some interesting insights into things like how good the code coverage of your tests is and how well-designed your code is. It can also track…