iPhone 3GS is the most successful iPhone ever, sales even better then anticipated.

“Customers are voting and the iPhone is winning. With over 50,000 applications available from Apple’s revolutionary App Store, iPhone momentum is stronger than ever.” – Steve Jobs While benchmarks have shown that Apple’s iPhone 3GS is so fast that it outpaces Palm’s self-proclaimed fastest smartphone, the Pre, also sales of the new iPhone model are…

Model-View-Controller (MVC) in iPhone OS 3 thanks to Core Data

By managing your application’s data model for you, Core Data significantly reduces the amount of code you have to write for your application. The Core Data framework (CoreData.framework) is a technology for managing the data model of a Model-View-Controller application. Core Data is intended for use in applications where the data model is already highly…

RadiantCMS customized

We are working on a very interesting project right now that allows us to adapt RadiantCMS to serve several different functions in a big picture system. Radiant is a powerful content management system that has very good design for factoring out redundancy in your web content. Think of the Don’t-Repeat-Yourself principle applied to the web…

Ruby performance work

Railsconf had several performance-related talks. This one went over a lot of interesting territory. Who knew the Date class performed so badly?? Use equivalent ops in Time or get date::performance Use String::<< instead of String::+= Tune your custom sql with virtual attributes It’s surprising that things we might not think are performance issues are problematic…


During his talk at railsconf, Gregg Pollack showed off Jetbrains Rubymine, an awesome IDE for ruby & rails. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Jetbrains had a spike in their downloads coinciding with the talk. It is a nice IDE. I was happy to see it includes git support out of the box (I…